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I began writing this because what happened to me while helpless in the clutches of the Medical Industry has happened to many others and will continue to happen. It will continue in spite of anything I do, but perhaps some few may be saved if more people are aware of the situation and act to protect themselves and those they love. So this ends up being a bit of a sociological commentary, and sadly one that is just a small part of a much larger problem.

Some people, when demanding changes in some aspect of society argue that 'if it saves even one life it is worth it'. That is ridiculous, a specious argument as those who use fancy words like to say - the television (mostly Internet these days) pontificators arguing for infringement of the Constitution, particularly certain parts of the Bill of Rights. Most of them actually. I won't argue that here, you can accept my opinion or reject it but rejecting incontrovertible facts is insanity.

I won't give any excuses to call me a crackpot or conspiracy theorist at this time - although a longtime friend once observed that the reason there are so many conspiracy theories just might be that there are so many conspiracies - but tell you about myself and you can decide. All assertions herein are backed up by hospital records and witnesses, so what you may think about them is irrelevant.

Most people these days, when the subject of corruption is discussed, probably think of politics first. And with good reason, as from the federal government to the smallest city government there it is not hard to find. Business generally is under suspicion by most, from the largest corporations to small neighborhood businesses. Because it's there, sadly. There are honest business people, but too many succumb to the lust for money and power.

And the Medical Industry is business, nothing more and nothing less. Which is why I say that there is no such thing as a 'health care' industry. It's all about money, and the welfare of people is the lowest priority. Not that I ever believed otherwise, but my experience - which coincided with the Plandemic and its slaughter of millions - gave me an inside look at the sleazy nature of even the lowest levels, a small hospital in a small city far from the centers of power and money.

If you didn't just roll your eyes feel free to do so now. The Plandemic showed what people are made of, and about seventy percent of the U.S. population is compromised to some degree, whether by greed and lust for power as we saw in the various state governments that eagerly embraced the hoax or the cowardice of the sheeplike masses who meekly submitted. Others lost their jobs or businesses, some were harassed by authorities and some went to prison for resisting. But the majority didn't have the courage or integrity (without courage integrity is rather useless) to stop that madness. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. As I said before about ignoring incontrovertible facts... no, I'm going to describe how the Medical Industry took a perfectly functional and productive human being and turned it into a physical wreck through incompetence and greed of the worst sort. And I'm one of the lucky ones - I know of some who didn't survive.

Age-wise I am just barely a late boomer. Philosophically I'm not any kind of boomer thanks to my upbringing by a small farmer who took a break for WWII and then went back to his farm and a mother who cared for the house and garden and kids and business, and we were a very conservative family. My parents would have been disappointed had I been a draft-dodger when Vietnam happened but I wasn't old enough, just barely, to get caught in that mess and didn't have to make the choice. Because they believed the newspapers and television and didn't know the truth. I had a cousin who died there, believing he was doing a good thing. Had he lived to see what became of what he was fighting for...

I did, a few years after Vietnam was over, enlist in the Air Force, believing it was my duty to serve and not yet knowing the ugly reality. It was beneficial for me personally as I learned a many things about life, the world and myself.

I aced the ASVABs, as they called them then, maybe still do. So I got flagged for further testing in basic training. I won't tell you my IQ, only that they tested me again to be sure. I was considered to have an aptitude for languages, something I suspected from the ease which I learned Spanish, the only foreign language I learned in school. I learned Latin on my own, quite easily.

Because of my presumed potential I was offered a job employing my linguistic aptitude, was interviewed by some offices and some guys in civilian dress. They told me my training would include attending a language school in Monterey, California for up to a year. It would require a lengthy investigation for the security clearance needed, six months or so. I accepted the offer, not knowing what my work might be. Probably it was a good thing that they forgot to have me extend my enlistment to six years, so instead of going to school in California I spent six weeks in tech school at Keesler AFB was assigned to a base in England as a 702X0. You can look it up.

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